How to Start a YouTube Channel for Beginners in 2024

If you’re looking to start a YouTube channel the right way this year, or maybe you feel that your current channel is stuck, I want to encourage you to tell you that you clicked on the right article.

How to Start a YouTube Channel for Beginners in 2023

Table of Contents:

how to start a YouTube channel
how to create YouTube channel
how to become a youtuber
how to create a YouTube channel and make money
how to create YouTube channel in mobile
how to start a YouTube channel for beginners
how to start a YouTube channel and make money
how to create YouTube channel and earn money
how do you start a YouTube channel
how to start a YouTube channel on your phone
how to create a new YouTube channel
how to start YouTube channel and earn money
how to become a successful youtuber
how to start YouTube
how do i start a YouTube channel
how to start a successful YouTube channel
how to make a successful YouTube channel
how to start your own YouTube channel
how to start a gaming channel
how to start making money on YouTube

In this article we’re going to share this deep training “How to actually start and scale your YouTube channel the right way and how to become in the 10% tile of your industry or Niche that you’re trying to dominate with your YouTube4 channel.

Let’s jump into the training!

We’re going to talk about growing your YouTube reach, scaling secrets and space specifically the tactics and the tools that ‘ll be used to grow YouTube channel in less than a year. Because on this time, you guys are trying to figure out how to grow YouTube channelhow to get started on YouTube.

On this time many of you, who are thinking to quit their job without any backup plans, all you knew is, you just want to create videos online. And it’s true, creating videos online ‘ll change your entire life.

But here’s the problem this is our expectation the moment that we post a video, we think it’s gonna go viral, we think it’s going to pop off we spent 7 hours filming and editing and all these things and this is what end up happening but here’s the actual reality what it’s like to be a content creator. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows and especially if you decided to do video it’s not and easy job. And Here’s the truth:

It’s never been easier to start a YouTube channel and it’s also never been harder to grow on YouTube. Easier because there’s so many people like me, like you whatever else that post their tactics online sharing to people how to grow a YouTube channel,

how to be successful on social media, but it’s also never been harder to actually grow on YouTube because we all have instant gratification that it’s gonna work right away and that’s simply not true that’s why before we get started in the tactics and the tools and everything I want to walk you guys through the valleys of death that you guys are going to experience during your creator journey.

So lets go through it each one by one.

1: There’s gonna be people who just never start their YouTube channel they’re always going to be stuck in this Valley of Death because they wait for the perfect opportunity, they wait for the perfect moment and they wait for the perfect Niche so long to the point where they never start their YouTube channel even though years have passed on.

2: Now there’s going to be some people who get through this Valley of Death and they post a few videos maybe two, three maybe even twelve or twenty, but then the issue becomes they’re not seeing the momentum that they hope that they would right away and so guess what happens? They Give Up and unfortunately a lot of people will find themselves in this Valley of Death and very few people crawl out of it.

3: Now for the people who are able to crawl out of this Valley of Death then what happens is they start gaining momentum because they finally created enough videos to optimize the data to understand what works well for them to figure out what their Niche is and so then they start actually building that traction.

But here’s the caveat to that at any point for any creator if you don’t have the systems and the processes in place to sustain that momentum. What happens is burns you out. I’ve been here many many times because I did not have the right systems and processes in place.

Now when you become that creator, who can create those systems and create those rinse and repeatable processes then the next step is you stay struggle relevant.

Because at some point yes you have those rinse and repeat processes that’s going to last you a few years of maintaining your YouTube channel but YouTube algorithms change, platform’s change, new creators come into the space and so what you need to do is you need to reinvent yourself every so often every few years and for the creators that are able to last decades they’re the ones that are able to reinvent themselves over and over and over again.

Now how I’ve broken down this journey really in three phases there’s those of you who want to start a YouTube channel, those of you who want to grow a YouTube channel and those of you who want to scale a YouTube channel.

And so regardless of where you’re at, today I’ll give you the tactics to breakthrough each phase so you can make it to the top 10%.

How does that Sound?

So let’s focus on phase 1

Those of you who are just starting up your YouTube channel maybe you’re not getting the momentum that you’re waiting. Here’s what you need to focus on if you’re in the startup phase. You want to focus on developing the skill of creating videos and you’re able to collect the data. You don’t need a perfect Niche yet, you don’t need the perfect gear yet, you don’t need any of that focus building the skill of creating videos.

Now here’s what your weakness point is going to be this is your Achilles heel if you’re not careful you’re going to fall into that Valley of Death. You let perfect stop you from getting good. You wait for the perfect moment. You wait for the perfect setup. You wait for the perfect trend and guess what you either never post the video or you don’t post enough videos because you’re holding yourself back from even getting good in the first place.

So here’s tip number one that I’ve for you if you’re someone who is struggling to find the Perfect Niche to find the perfect topics then I want you to take a step back and I want you to focus on your target audience instead of hyper focusing on that Niche. It sounds counter-intuitive but here me out. There’s a misconception out there that says hey I need to know my “Niche” before I can post any videos. I need to do tons of market research before I can post anything. Because it needs to land, it needs to be perfect, it needs to rank.

The truth is, is that your Niche will find you after you’ve collected enough data on what’s working and what’s not working on your YouTube channel and you as a creator you know what topics you like to do best.

So let that be a lesson to you don’t aim for perfection just do it.

Phase 2 : Create videos around search friendly topics. Every person uses the search engine okay and YouTube is owned by Google it has the best SEO ever amongst all the different platforms that exist. Now the reason why someone will use a search engine is for, two things they want: to solve a problem or they want to be entertained.

Now for me at that time I’m not very funny so I was like you know what I’m just peoples problems and I’ll figure our how to entertain them later and so that’s what i did and what you have to realize is that, that person who’s searching for something in the Search Engine, there they have a Point A and a Point B.

They have a pain point that they want to solve and they have a desired result that they want to achieve. And your content is what’s going to bridge that Gap. And so when I think about content ideas this is what I think about.

I think about what are the questions, problems, limiting, beliefs or objections that this person might be going through and then I brain dump a list of problems, issues and questions. Then for each question, problem, limiting, belief, objection whatever it is. I’ll then map out at least 3 video topic ideas for each one.

So for example if one of the problems that you guys are going through one of the objections that’s preventing you from starting a YouTube channel is I don’t want to start a YouTube channel because I’m afraid of being on camera. Then I’ll think and I’ll think about okay 3 video ideas.

1: How to grow a YouTube channel without showing your face that might help this person.

2: How to get confident being being on camera in 3 days or less that might help that person.

3: Why you’re afraid of putting yourself out there on social media and 3 ways to overcome it that might help this person.

And so I go down the rabbit hole of different topics that I might want to create content for based on the questions and problems they might be searching for on YouTube or Google. Now if you need help with this and you’re not sure about what people are asking on the internet.

Here are my favorite free platforms I go on forums and comment sections. I go into Reddit and I look at the topics and I look at what questions people are asking about.

I go on Quora, I go on Facebook groups really Niche Facebook groups and I see what people are asking questions on and one of my most favorite things is going into my competitor’s comment sections and seeing what their subscribers are asking as a follow-up to watching their video.

Because that tells me Ah that’s an opportunity for me to tap into that market and tap into that Gap because clearly there’s a demand and that creator didn’t necessarily cover that yet in their video. So that’s something that’s really helped me over time.

Now if you need even more help you can then use external plugins like Vid IQ or Tubebuddy to find content ideas and topics that people are searching for.

Step 1:

If you use something like Tubebuddy you’re going to get access to something called keyword explorer.

And when you have access to this you go in and you search in your topic. And when I search in the topic let’s say Instagram what I’ll pay attention to is what my weight score is Tubebuddy will tell me.

If my channel does the video on this topic, how well it’s really going to based on the competition. Now for my channel specifically it’s telling me hey I would actually have a pretty good score something that I might want to pursue.

Then what i do is I go down the rabbit hole further and I look at okay what video topics is Tubebuddy recommending me because they have so much data on what people are searching on YouTube and on Google. SO then I get content ideas like this easily in few clicks.

Then go down the rabbit hole further and I’m like hey it’s suggesting that of the topic of Instagram people are also searching about Instagram captions so let me double click on that.

Boom now my score has went from good to excellent because I Niche down slightly on that topic. So if i were to do a video about Instagram captions I would have a pretty fair chance of ranking pretty well and so again I look at what video topics are available to me. And so that is how I can easily find content ideas that are searchable and that I know people are looking for.

Now we’ve to talked about a few valleys of deaths Okay we talked about never starting and always giving up. Now let’s talk about the next phase which is when you enter a period of growth.

Your focus is to stand out and keep up with the competition but here’s your Achilles heel here’s the problem you have no systems to keep up with the growth and the momentum. And that becomes and issue of you being consistent on your YouTube channel.

And so Tip #1 You want to double down on what’s working on your YouTube channel right now.

Step 1: Identify which videos are picking up traction. In simple words, double check your YouTube channel and know what topic is giving your YouTube channel higher ranking not like trending but more than usual.

Step 2: Do similar videos and Niche down. This ‘ll help you to reach your 1st 10k-100k Subscribers on your YouTube channel less than a year. Because I doubled down on what was working.

Tactic #2 : Know your analytics and optimize.

You want to know your analytics at this point and understand how you can optimize your YouTube videos better. And so few matrics that matter the most is really this funnel and if you go into your YouTube creator studioYouTube ‘ll literally show this funnel to you.

You want to ask yourself what are your impressions like how many people saw your video on their feed they didn’t click on it yet they just saw it in passing that tells you whether or not YouTube search is doing really well for you or if YouTube algorithm is just in your favor. It’ll tell you a lot of things when you dig deep into this data.

Then of those people who saw your video in passing. How many of them actually clicked on the video that is click-through rate. Average about 3 to 5 % if you can get past 5% ‘ 6% ‘ 7% ‘ 8% ‘ 10% you really want to double down on that style of thumbnail it’s clearly working for you.

Then of those people who click the video, people can click the video and they can click out how many people actually viewed your video that’s where the views come from.

Then of those people who viewed the video how long did they watch the video for that’s your view duration. So let’s say your video is 10 minute’s long and your average view duration is 5 minute’s that mean on average people are only watch half of your video.

That’s what view duration is and then how many people are being watching your content. How many total minutes have accumulated in your YouTube Channel.

That tells you whether or not people staying on and by knowing these analytics you’re able to reserve engineer your goals. So for instance if you’re someone who wants to have more views. Your gear the equipment you use doesn’t matter. What matters is your topic, your title and your thumbnail.

When we talked about topics I talked about doing search friendly topics, check title I shared some hacks on how to make your title stand out, check for thumbnail you’re going to want to click you’re going to want to see the click-through rate and see how you’re doing and really test your Youtube thumbnails to see what actually driving the clicks.

Now if you want to take it a step further you could pay for something like Tubebuddy ‘ Vidiq get their license well they’ll actually tell you which Youtube thumbnails you should improve on.

Tubebuddy and Vidiq ‘ll tell you okay well this video is getting a-lot of views but the click-through rate is lower than average. So you ‘ve an opportunity to improve something here.

And then what you can do further is you can a B test Youtube thumbnails. If you want to get into a more advanced territory now I didn’t do this when I started so don’t worry about it if this is not something that you’re ready for yet, but available to creators. If you want to dig deep on the data and not and optimize.

Now if you’re someone who wants to ‘ve more watch time more view duration this is what you ‘ve to focus on. A strong hook, how are you hooking people to actually watch the rest of your video. If your intro is over 1 minute long to me I feel like that’s too long already.

People have the attention span of a goldfish on YouTube. Okay! They’re gonna click out, secondly are you being concise. If you’re rambling in your video you’re taking very long to get to the point how annoyed do you get when you’re like oh my God I clicked this video and they’re taking forever to actually give me the good stuff. You’re gonna click out , engaging, how engaging is your video

This is when you want to focus and experiment with video editing styles the environment b-roll all those different elements to make your videos engaging that will cause someone keep watching. And if you’re someone who wants more watch time optimize your playlists make it very clear to people if you like this video you’ll love these videos. And a bonus tip that I ‘ve for you that’s always worked very well for my clients is making your videos episodic.

So very similar to watching Netflix you want people to binge watch your content so what I’ll do sometimes is I’ll say in a video, hey last week we talked about YouTube algorithm this week we’re going to talk about Youtube video title and thumbnail so they’re going to know that A previous video existed.

And then at the end of that video I might tease my next video and say hey if you like this video next week we’re going to talk about YouTube tags so hit the Subscribe button hit the notification button and I’ll see you in the next week. And so that cause people to want to watch more and this has dramatically increased my watch time by doing this.

Tactic #3 Create production cadence.

If you’re at this stage is create a production cadence. Remember we talked about Achilles heel being the fact that you don’t have the process and systems in place and so then you burn out and you’re not able to be consistent on your YouTube Channel. So what do you do: Easy Time Block:

you can either back bake or you can batch. So when I talked about batching take oh two to three weeks of the quarter and film as many videos as you can. So you can get it taken care of this is really helpful especially if you’re a business owner. Or you can bake it into your schedule this is what I like to do it just better work for me is I block off specific days of the week to dedicate to content.

So I recommend block off Thursdays and Fridays to Film videos. You could also do a combination of both.

If you want to bake it into your schedule make it something that you exercise on filming is kind of like Fitness to be honest. You’re able to block specific days and batch a few videos so that you’re not going to ever run out of content and for those weeks where you want to take a vacation, you’ll want to take a day off, you absolutely can! What I want you guys to know though is you can’t copy and paste someone’s workflow. That’s the biggest mistake you can make as a Creator.

Because I see so many copy and paste other people’s workflows. It doesn’t work for them and then all of a sudden they think that they’re a bad Creator because it didn’t work. When in really this is a very very specific career path and every Creator has different strengths and weaknesses. And so you need to be able to create a workflow that works for you and give your self permission to do that.

Let’s talk about phase #3 Scaling:

Your focus at this point is to sustain the growth and continue to expand your YouTube Channel. Your Achilles heel what’s going to be your biggest point of weakness is doing the same thing over and over and over again. Your subscribers are going to get bored you’re going to get stale it is going to happen it might not be right now but it might be in few years.

Where these platform are changing, algorithms are changing, consumer preference’s are changing you need to be reinvent yourself. So how do you do it well.

Tactic #1 Go beyond YouTube

Here’s how I do it #1 get off of YouTube ‘ go beyond YouTube and seen talked about this earlier on about short form of video. Long-form content for my business is the Kingpin to our content strategy. Every single week you’ve to spend the dedication and the time to film one YouTube video and also 1 long form newsletter that ‘ll connect your audience with you.

Short videos ‘ll always double down your views, subscribers and followers on different platforms who may not ‘ve seen your videos before because some people they don’t want to watch a 15 minute video to get to know you.

Maybe they just want to watch a 15 sec video one maybe they want to swipe through the carousel and read think about the accessibility and think how different people have different ways of consuming content and that ‘ll make you A plus content creator. When you think about it in that lens.

Tactic #2 Don\t just build an audience build a community.

This is going to be extremely extremely important. Because 1 thing I want you guys think to is if the Dollar were to collapse Dollar doesn’t mean anything we head into a new currency or if all platforms were to go bust YouTube disappears, Instagram disappears, Tiktok disappears everything we head into Web 3.0 there’s different platforms that exist.

The only thing that you’re going to ‘ve to rebuild yourself is your relationships and there is a vast difference between having 1 n half million subscribers and 1 n half million community Die hard fans of yours that ‘ll go wherever you go.

Let’s say you decide 1 day I don’t want to be a YouTuber anymore. I want to launch an E-Commerce product. I want to do something else, I want to do software, I want to do whatever. I want to write a book.

You want to make sure you have strong enough relationship for people who to want to buy those things to want to follow you wherever you go. And here’s something else that we do really simply to really boost that relationship with our audience,

Subscriber shout outs this is something you can do today we notice there’s so many people that show love to our videos. How can we give back, how can we make them feel seen appreciated loved and heard. We post their comments in the back of our videos so that they know that we see them. We do content polls we engage people we interact with people we want people to be involved in the creation of our content.

Tactic #3 Break the pattern:

If you’re going through a plateau right now this has helped us a lot actually revive our clients channels a bit because they went through a plateau for years was just sitting down same video same environment same everything and their retention dropped off, engagement dropped off. When you start building raving fans, your fans will want to see more.

Keep That in Mind.

You don’t even need to change your topics if you don’t want to, you can just change the delivery.

So these are the Values of Death that we just walked through and for each tactic that I shared it’s very unique to what phase that you’re in. So if you’re not in phase #3 you don’t have to worry about that stuff focus on phase #1 and #2. Okay! so far we’ve talked about all the valleys of death and all the tactics that yo can do today to prevent falling into those valleys of death.

Remember: Scaling a YouTube Channel takes time and remember, the information that you learn at All About YouTube is useless, unless you take action on it.

So whatever you learn Today, Tomorrow the next day take action, take notes, take the best nuggets of wisdom and start applying it to your businesses and to your videos.

Make this your Year.

All About YouTube.

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